Friday, June 26, 2009

I told a lie last night.

I can't stand this. I am in torment. I can't interact with people without studying them so closely that they are sure to hurt me. I watch their bodies. Hands. Mouths. Eyes. I know what they're thinking.

I hold a little piece of my heart out to every person I speak to. I only want them to be pleased to have spoken to me.

My husband says I'm too open with people. He says that's why people think I'm weird.

I am tearful.

I am only a child.

At least once a month I decide that I will never speak again. To never hear my own voice again would be my greatest accomplishment.

I am re-imagining my life without my voice.
I am silent on my grandfather's home videos. I only point to the flower. I do not say "It's a hibiscus."
I never hold my sister by her shoulders and scream into her.
I never tell my mother that I love her.
I never sit on the front porch and cry out to God.

Everything that is good can be done without words--loving, eating, walking about with no guilt or shame...


Unknown said...

Oh Isabella, I think I know.

Every morning (after I've spent time with other people) I go over the day before with regret for things I did, things I said, feeling stupid, talking stupid. Berating myself for being too forward, sharing too much of myself, being conceited, being snobby, being snippy, being sarcastic, being a prude, trying to be funny when I'm not, being stupid.

At the party (or meeting or lunch or gathering) I'm the one in the corner or against the wall staring at you (or anyone else).....noticing how you think on your feet -able to spit out witty smart you are, how you you hold your glass, how you are confident, how you over-pluck your eyebrows, how you are trying to hide that you are losing your hair and the humility that comes with it, how you are wearing designer labels on your shirt, pants, purse, etc. which makes you a sham, that you are probably unaware of the tiny hairs coming from that bump on the side of your neck.
I tell myself I will not talk next time. Next time we are with other people I will not talk. I will watch, smile, listen.

And, Isabella, I don't think you're weird. I don't think other people think you're weird. I think that other people think you're beautiful. That you're smart. That you're talented. That you're kind.

Those that hurt you are not worthy of you.

Unknown said...

Isabella, where are you?